I thought I'd run you guys through what a typical day looks like for us.
Obviously the routine changes on the weekdays I work, but 5 days a week, this is pretty much it.
My alarm goes off but I usually dink around in bed checking facebook and Zulily on my phone while Tristan gets ready for work.
Once I wake up enough I put on my make up and throw my hair up... Usually while still in bed... I am not a morning person.
Tristan takes off for work and I start Calvin's bottle and breakfast and coffee for me.
Kiddo generally wakes up between 7:45 and 8:15.
I get him up, dipe changed and take him back to my room and feed him his 8oz bottle.
I love having a little time to just relax with him and the pup in bed.
He'll play around a little once he's done, we usually sing a couple songs and I give him my bottle of vitamins to use as a maraca.
This morning we're having kiwi, banana and a whole wheat pancake with applesauce smeared on it.
I made them a few days ago, and have just kept them in the fridge.
After he's done with breakfast and I've cleaned him up as best I can. I plop him down in the living room with Sesame Street on and he plays with his toys and Alfie and keeps an eye on the neighborhood for about an hour.
He doesn't pay much attention to the TV until Elmo comes on. Something about that furry red monster that Calvin just loves.
He plays super well by himself and doesn't really want me to try and entertain him. When I do he just crawls away. I love having an independent kid that isn't hanging off me every second of the day.
Diaper change and put down for his morning nap.
This is when I get ready for the day, make phone calls and do the majority of my chores, laundry, blogging, and prepping lunch for the two of us.
Wake-up and Lunch time!
Today he's having avocado, blueberries and leftover chicken.
My kid is a carnivore thru and thru.
After his finger foods I give him a 6oz bottle.
He must be growing because he's been eating SO much lately.
After lunch we get out of the house.
Either for errands or going to the park or whatever.
I feel like getting out is good for both of us so I try to do it every day.
Nap time
I try to be home from whatever we're doing around 3-3:30 so I can put him down for a good nap. But sometimes he ends up sleeping in the car.
Lately I've been able to take him from sleeping in the car and put him straight in his crib to continue napping. Score!
No more driving around aimlessly or sitting in the parked car just so he'll stay asleep. Can I get an amen!?
Wake up, dipe change and 6oz bottle.
As you can see, he was not a super happy camper when he woke up.
Tristan comes home and plays with the kiddo while I start dinner.
(or whenever dinner's ready)
We all sit down to eat together.
Tonight's dinner is brined and grilled chicken with white bbq sauce, salad and watermelon. Yum!
We eat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen with Calvin in his highchair next to us. The floor under our dining room table is carpeted and for clean up purposes we prefer to keep him on the laminate.
After dinner we play more.
Bath, Brush, Book, Bottle, Bed.
Since Calvin is crawling and feeding himself he gets pretty disgusting so we bathe him every night.
After the bath, we brush his teeth (which he LOVES), and we lotion him up and get him ready for a good night's sleep.
We turn on the sound machine, close the curtains and I read him a book or 2 while Daddy gets his bottle ready.
Tristan gives him his bottle in the rocking chair and puts him to bed every night.
Usually this is when I shower.
We're done!
Kiddo's asleep and Tristan and I clean up, hang-out and watch some tv until we decide we just can't keep our eyes open any longer.
Then we do it again the next day.
Thrilling isn't it?