Looking in from the door. |
Calvin's Room is the only one in the house that is really intentionally decorated and I knew as soon as we found out we were having a boy that normal baby decor was not going to cut it in this house.
I just can't wrap my head around "baby" decorations, light blues and greens with cartoon monkeys or cars embroidered all over everything just doesn't appeal to me.
I wanted something he could grow into.
This is the basic color palette I chose:
A lot of the items in his room have been hand made by myself and family and friends.
It makes my heart happy to know he's so loved.
It makes my heart happy to know he's so loved.
I ordered the Crib, Nightstand, Dresser and Wall Shelves
The crib is no longer on the website I bought it from but you can find it Here with free shipping!
The Dresser
is from Amazon.
As is the night stand/end table
I saw a super cute kite mobile on Etsy and got myself into trouble once again by saying, "I can make that!" *sigh*... when will I learn?
So I made this mobile out of card stock, fishing line, white wire, ribbon scraps and a metal hoop I found at Hobby Lobby.
I don't know if you've ever tried to make a mobile...There was a lot of swearing involved.
My husband has always loved the name Calvin because of Calvin and Hobbes. He had all the books when he was growing up.
I saw this AWESOME wall mural of Hobbes on Pinterest (which I'm having a hard time finding the original owner of, so if it's your image please let me know) and LOVED the idea of Hobbes sleeping over Calvin's bed.
However, we do not intend to live in this house forever and the thought of someone buying it and painting over my mural gave me anxiety.
So, I bought the biggest stretched canvas that would fit over the crib (thank you 40%off coupon from Hobby Lobby) and painted his "mural" on that.
The progression of Hobbes |
I believe while I was painting the words "This kid better appreciate this..." came out of my mouth a few times.
It took me 4 evenings to finish the 36"x36" painting. I just used acrylics (I do not have the patience for oils) and now Calvin has a piece of art he can have forever.
Have you ever priced out crib bedding???
The only bedding set I found that I really loved was $400 for 4 pieces!
Besides that you're not even supposed to use bumpers anymore and the quilt is pretty much just for looks and you know the one sheet the set comes with is just going to get puked on the second you put your baby on it... Essentially I just needed the crib skirt...
So my amazingly awesome mom humored me by not only going to the fabric store with me, helping me choose colors but sewing the crib skirt too!
Thanks mom!
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Looking from the Crib toward the door. |
Unfortunately, Calvin has the warmest room in the house. Even in the winter!
That robot looking thing up there is our attempt to keep him cool.
It's a Fan/Evaporative Cooler
The rocking camel was a hand-me-down from an awesome client of mine.
The Mobi night light is so cool! It come pre-set with 3 different colors or it can run through the whole rainbow and you can even stop on a custom color if you want.
I may even be giving one away soon. Stay tuned!
I may even be giving one away soon. Stay tuned!
The rocking wing back chair is an antique I bought from someone on Craigslist.
It's about 70 years old and it was a really light green.
I bought some teal spray-on fabric paint and went to town on it...
Just don't sit in it if you're sweaty. You might turn green.
My dad came in and refinished the rockers on the bottom.
The gray poof is from World Market but they discontinued the color.
Here is a similar (and less expensive) one from Target. Calvin loves climbing on it and it's the first thing my 4 year old nephew runs and grabs when he comes over.
Tristan and I call Calvin "Thing" all the time, as in, "hey, hold this thing for a second"
So we started this saying and it's one of my favorites.
I made this Chalkboard when I first found out I was knocked-up and used it to document my pregnancy.
It used to be a hideous painting of Austria that i found at Good Will.
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The future chalkboard |
Here is the tutorial from one of my favorite blogs Little Baby Garvin.
Dresser/changing table.
I thought this Umbra Casa Tissue Box Cover
was so cute and clever.
The orange garbage can was a Groupon Deal.
The teal "C" is a wooden letter from Hobby Lobby painted with Acrylic.
The Wild Thing doll was Tristan's from when he was a kid. The Lego Superhero Print was a gift from our good friend Brandon, and the laser etched "Mad Scientist" wooden blocks are from Xylocopa.com and are so incredibly detailed.
My super-crafty friend Shannon, or as I call her, "Nan" cross-stitched the "Welcome, tiny overlord" sign and gave it to me as part of my baby-shower gift. She also crocheted the duck and the coffee mug that's on the top shelf a few years ago. She's to cool for school in my humble opinion.
And I just thought the Zubels knit Cow
The measuring tape growth chart is from KimsSister on Etsy.
This is the bookshelf/toyland corner. So much fun stuff crammed into such a small area...
If you don't have a sound machine for your nursery go out and buy one NOW!
It's the best thing ever. This one even has an mp3 player jack and night light.
We don't go anywhere over night without it.
And if you live in a climate that gets cold and dry a good humidifier is a must have.
This painting was done by another amazingly talented friend of mine Becky, aka, "Becktine"
She even incorporated the room colors!
Total Rock Star!
Calvin loves sitting in this corner pulling out all his toys.
WHEW! That was a long one.
Did I miss anything? Got any Questions?
Let me know!
WHEW! That was a long one.
Did I miss anything? Got any Questions?
Let me know!
Sara everything is so darn cute! You have created such a great space for your little "thing"!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I'm really pleased with how it turned out. :)