My original post about Cloth Diapering (Here) has been pretty popular but I've gotten a few more specific questions about what we use for diapering the kiddo. So here ya go!
No. If the diaper is wet, just put it in your wet bag as-is. If it's poopy, remove the poo either by plopping it into the toilet or spraying it off into the toilet with your diaper sprayer, spray with bac-out and put (as-is) in they wet bag. If you're using pocket diapers, the washing machine will remove the pads from the covers for you. Just double check and make sure they are all separated BEFORE you dry them. I get 1-2 per wash that didn't make it out. They're still nice and clean, you just want to take the pad out so they will actually dry.
Can you use diaper cream?
Yes and no. The commercial diaper creams that 90% of parents have in their diaper bags aren't going to work when you use clothies. The residue will actually end up making your dipes water resistant instead of absorbent. Not good. So you need to use Cloth Diaper friendly cream. We use Weleda Calendula Baby Cream
How do you pack wipes?
Since I make my own wipes (Tutorial Here) I either throw a hunk of them into a travel wipes case or I use store bought ones. I usually have a spare pack of them lying around from when we travel. Use what you have. My diaper bag came with a travel wipes case, but how cute is This one
What do you do when you change a diaper when you're not home?
We have a smaller wet bag that we use just for outings. (it has cars and trucks on it... get it?) I change him as normal and just throw everything in the wet bag. Even if there's poo. It's easier to change him quick and deal with it at home. It's kind of weird taking a dirty diaper out of the wet bag to get the poo out, but if you rolled it up good there shouldn't be a problem. If a disposable wipe gets lost and ends up in the washing machine it's no biggie, just toss them before they hit the dryer.
My biggest advice is to make them fit YOUR life. We use disposables when Calvin goes to bed and twice a week when he's at the babysitters because that's what works best for us and I am perfectly fine with that. Using cloth diapers is a choice not a prison sentence, it shouldn't be scary or make you feel like you'll fail if you ever use disposables again.
Have more questions? Let me know and I'll be happy to answer as best I can.
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